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Current and Joining Researchers

Our lab focuses on Perceptual awareness: Visual Disappearance-MIB: Motion Induced Blindnes , Binocular rivalry, Motion induced blindnessVisual spatial integration, Contrast detection and discrimination.Visual evoked potentials.

Autism (perception, attention, speech)
Behavioral disorders and their rehabilitation using "neural retraining" techniques.
Amblyopia, Neglect, Dyslexia, Aging
Sensory disturbances in autism and SMD.

Ph.D. Brain Research, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 
MSc. Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, 
BSc. Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University.

Dr. Yoram bonneh

            Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Life Science, Bar Ilan University

      Post Doctoral fellowship and research associate'Stanford University

        Ph.D.  Bioengineering, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

        Residency in Ophthalmology - Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Israel

       M.H.A    Ben Gurion University, Israel

        M.D.       Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel 

The Ophthalmic Science and Engineering Lab is focused on basic and translational research in ophthalmology and visual neuroscience. Of main research interests are the field of electro-cellular interfaces, optical and electronic microdevices development, and applied science for improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various ophthalmic diseases. One of the central themes is the artificial introduction of the visual information and its processing by the retina and the visual cortex. We further study learning and plasticity processes in the visual system in animals. Other projects include electrocellular interface with the autonomic system and application of high electrical field for solid tumor ablation (IRE - Irreversible Electroporation).

Dr. Yossi Mandel

Ph.D. Brain Research, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 
MSc. Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, 
BSc. Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University

Post-doc @ Prof Geraint Rees's lab, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL, London

PhD - Neurobiology @ Weizmann Inst. of Science (Advisors Profs Rafi Malach and 
         Shimon Ullman) 

MSc - Mathematics and Computer Science @ Weizmann Inst. of Science 
           (Advisors Profs Rafi Malach and Shimon Ullman) 

BSc - Mathematics and Computer Science @ Hebrew University of Jerusalem​




Our lab focuses on understanding how neural processes in our brains result in visual perception and behaviour. We seek to understand how the visual system meets the challenges that the ever-changing dynamic 3D world confronts her with. Therefore we investigate how the visual system functions in lab-based and in less controlled environments (using both static and dynamic stimuli). We use fMRI to study brain activity, MRI to investigate brain structure, psychophysics to evaluate behaviour and compare to brain measures. We study healthy individuals but also developmental cases and brain damaged patients

Dr. Sharon Gilaie-Dotan

Post-doc @ Prof Geraint Rees's lab, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL, London

PhD - Neurobiology @ Weizmann Inst. of Science (Advisors Profs Rafi Malach and 
         Shimon Ullman) 

MSc - Mathematics and Computer Science @ Weizmann Inst. of Science 
           (Advisors Profs Rafi Malach and Shimon Ullman) 

BSc - Mathematics and Computer Science @ Hebrew University of Jerusalem​




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